Bangun Mbinudita

Water Connections

Water Connections


Difficult access and don’t have financial sources to clean water for school residents and local residents in Mbinudita.

The communities from the outermost regions do not have the knowledge, the capacities and no financial resources for the most part. Therefore, they cannot construct or imagine technical solutions aimed at improving their living conditions.

The community cannot access a healthy lifestyle, especially because of the problems associated with access to clean water and adequate sanitation solutions.

Water Connections


Impact 1

Access to clean water is available for school residents and local residents in Mbinudita

Impact 2

Residents have the knowledge and ability to build clean water infrastructures

Impact 3

A healthier life for the community, behaviour change, and beliefs of water health and hygiene in schools, homes and communities related to water and sanitation.

water connections


Mbinudita Students

Mbinudita Villagers

water connections

Our Actions

Drilling Well

Electrical Installation of WaterPumps Up to the Hill

Ferro-cement Water Tank & Rain water harvesting

Water Distributions

Public Toilet & Healthy Sanitation

Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram Pump)

Nutrition Gardens

Capacity Building Community Outreach

Activate Water Committee

Drilling Well

To get a better quality of clean water, it is necessary to measure and drill wells to a certain depth according to the results of measurements made by experts.

Conventional wells made by local communities generally do not apply measurement methods, so the water obtained does not always get good quality clean water.

The advantages of drilling wells

  • Better quality and high change to get quality clean water
  • Machine drilled wells allow for deeper depths than manual/conventional wells

Electrical Installation of Water Pumps Up to the Hill

When measuring and searching for underground springs by experts, it was found that the water points for drilling were in hill valleys, so the water had to rise from the drilling point of the well following the slope elevation and well height. hill with a pipe length of approximately 200 meters.

A submersible pump with a total head of more than 120 meters is required and an electric power capacity ranging from 1200 to 3000 watts per hour.

Planned to use 5000-watt diesel generator with electrical installation up to 250 meters.

    Ferro-cement Water Tank & Rain water harvesting

    Residents have to walk 1.5 – 3 kilometres to springs or wells. Residents do not have water reservoirs around their homes. No one has yet collected rainwater for household needs.

    Mbinudita Preparation Village is located in the west-central part of East Sumba Regency which has an average rainfall of 1,500 – 2,000 mm per year* or higher than other areas in the Regency. It’s mean potential to make rainwater harvesting.

    The advantages of making ferro-cement water tank

    • An inexpensive solution for water storage
    • Very High Durability than other materials
    • Unlimited flexibility for shape and size
    • Easy to build
    • Easy to duplicate by the villagers

    Water Distributions

    Community involvement is an important point in the water
    distribution process.

    From excavation, pipe installation is involving the beneficiary
    community to ensure optimal use and maintenance.
    Everything can be done independently without the help of
    experts, and all with the spirit of togetherness.

    The sense of belonging to the facilities that were built
    together will be a strong capital so that the facilities are
    maintained and safe.

      Public Toilet & Healthy Sanitation

      Rural areas are quite far from the city and have limitations, related to building materials and experts. These are a challenge for effective and efficient development solutions.

      using the same technology as the manufacture of water tanks, we adopt Ferro-cement for toilets building.

      The advantages of Ferro-cement constructions

      • Low cost
      • Appropriate technology with high durability
      • Earthquake resistant
      • Unlimited flexibility for shape and size
      • Easy to build
      • Easy to duplicate by the villagers

      Hydraulic Ram Pump (Hydram Pump)

      A hydraulic ram pump is a water pump powered by water with height difference levels.

      Springs in Mbinudita are available with this method to provide closer access to villagers living in the hills and surrounding areas.

      The advantages of making hydram pump

      • Uses renewable energy sources
      • No electricity power needed
      • Very effective in mountainous areas

      Nutrition Gardens

      In 2013 in East Sumba there were approximately 2500 children of which 51.3% were stunted. Meanwhile, the stunting rate in East Sumba decreased in 2019 to 25%.

      The province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) still has the province with the highest stunting rate in Indonesia. Therefore, NTT requires extra education and nutrition since pregnancy.*

      The advantages of Nutrition Gardens

      • To help in addressing malnutrition & micronutrient deficiencies by consumption of freshly grown vegetables

      Capacity Building Community Outreach

      Inadequate infrastructure in remote areas and the relatively low level of public education have caused people in remote areas to lack understanding and knowledge about clean and healthy living behaviour and how appropriate technology can be their solution.

      Training is needed to increase the knowledge capacity of the community to find solutions and be willing to change behaviour to improve the quality of life and better health.

      In this training, the community will be invited to learn together about appropriate technology and infrastructure knowledge, hygiene education to help create behaviour change, knowledge, and beliefs of water health and hygiene in schools, homes and communities.

      Activate Water Committee

      Ensuring the sustainability of the construction and use of facilities is maintained, it is necessary to have a water committee that will work and serve as supervisors and daily implementers for the maintenance and repair of clean water facilities that have been built.

      This will be discussed in the forum and mutually agreed upon by the community, especially the beneficiaries of the facility.

      Functions and duties of the Water Committee

      • Identifying, evaluating, and controlling risks that have the potential to cause facilities to be damaged or not functioning.

      Bangun Mbinudita

      Water Connections

      We are very good friends, it is our history, it is we who write it and who continue to write it!

      Who help us



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