Water Connections

Lumbu Nangga Water Tank
The ferrocement water reservoir has been built and can be used if it rains, water can be accommodated in this reservoir.
No. Data Information
1 Village Name Mbinudita
2 Hamlet Name Lumbu Nangga, Pahomba
3 RT 07
4 RW 05
5 PIC Anton Hunga Remi Andung
6 Number of Families 12 families
7 Number of peoples 40 Peoples
8 Number of Houses 8 Houses
9 Facilities built Ferrocement Water Tank
10 Point Coordinates -9.67723, 119.99045

The ferrocement water reservoir has been built and can be used if it rains, water can be accommodated in this reservoir. In addition to rainwater, reservoirs can be filled from water tank cars.

Residents contribute actively in the entire series of reservoir development processes. The residents continued the stages of making the mall cover for the reservoir while at the same time casting the lid for the reservoir until the outside of the reservoir was plastered and then continued painting the reservoir until it was finished.

Rainy weather hampered the completion of the reservoir.

The process of completing the reservoir was delayed due to rain and was completed on a hot sunny day.