March 4, 2025
The Participles Vol.02 – Art Exhibition

Different from previous exhibition events held at Rumah Sanur, which usually take advantage of outdoor venues, this time we specifically used Maestro room.

“Sorrow” masterpiece artwork from Soul & Kith became the work that was included as the main highlight, with the touch of Aik Krisnayanti and Ardy Bolank who collaborate on this one canvas. They created this artwork as part of the release of their video-clip with the same name.

Apart from that, both of them display their respective works, a responds to their music, placed in one line.

There are again 2 large Hyena paintings, which are collaborative performance art paintings by Dialog Dini Hari, Made Bayak & Erick Est.

Most of those artwork are auctioned online via for the next 2 weeks, and most of the benefits will be donated to help build Mbinudita’s school in Sumba.

Apart from paintings, there is a photo exhibition about “Bangun Mbinu Dita”. Photos of the Mbinudita School, both before it collapsed and the whole process that takes place right now on the power of collaboration with enthusiastic volonteers residents on site. All works are about collaboration… The gathering of good energy units will produce a great work.

For those who haven’t had the chance to discover this exhibition yet, can stop by Rumah Sanur Maestro room. Thanks to Pohon Tua Creatorium for initiating this amazing event and collaboration.

Artwork catalog, can be scaned the QRcode or QRIS at the entrance or on

#Sorrow #Hyena #bangunMbinudita #pohontuacreatorium #theparticiplesvol2

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