February 19, 2025
Container Of Building Material Arrived

Hello Kawans, dear friends, teman-teman,

Crossing the ocean from the island of Java to the island of Sumba is more than 2,000 kilometres of road, sea. It takes about ten days if all goes well. The transport of materials is one of the biggest problems in the reconstruction of our school in Mbinudita. A gigantic, complicated process that requires being present from start to finish!

On September 17, 2020, a container full of construction materials finally arrived in the port of Waingapu, on Sumba. This first container was shipped from Surabaya, the second-largest Indonesian city after Jakarta, the industrial capital of Indonesia. The materials that arrived for #RebuildMbinuDita included light bricks, steel structures, water tanks, adhesive cement, asphalt membranes to ensure the waterproofing of the future roof, photovoltaic panels, lightning rods and other electronic devices for the production of electric energy via the photovoltaic panels which will be possessed on the roof.

On September 18, we carried out all the administrative procedures to legalize the arrival of all this material on the island of Sumba. Even though Sumba is part of Indonesian territory, you have to act administratively in the same way as if you import material into a foreign country. It’s kind of weird, but that’s how the administration of this country works.

Then, we proceeded to unload this first container in normal trucks. It is indeed impossible to use a container carrier to go to the #RebuildMbinuDita site because the roads are non-existent on more than 50% of the trip. Therefore, it is a lot of handling because unloading 40 tons of bricks, cement etc … by hand takes a certain time.

Three trucks were completely filled with materials unloaded from the containers and the loading process continued until the evening.

It is expected that the next day, the three trucks will leave early the next day to reach the #RebuildMbinuDita site because it is at an average of 20km per hour that it will be necessary to cover the more than 80 km that separate Waingapu from #RebuildMbinuDita.

We give all hope to build Mbinudita. Kawan Ayu, Kawan Nofi, Kawan Alex. Mbinu Dita village.
The 21.09.2020/aw

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