March 14, 2025
Today Situation Plan On The 30.08.2020

This Monday, August 31, 2020 has become a historic day. Team # 1 composed of Kawan Gogon, Kawan Nofi and Kawan Andri went to the #bangunmbinudita site to start the real action of construction of school buildings and community center. The activity of this historic day began with discussions with the inhabitants of Mbinudita about their collaboration, as well as yet another aerial observation of the places in order to define the final locations.

With a few residents of #bangunmbinudita, team # 1 verified and validated the results of these studies. In addition, the foundation’s team laid stones painted red on the stone, in order to use it as a marker visible from the sky. These red stones were placed according to the plans of the architectural team. Our teams then planted wooden stakes, tied together by a rope in order to define the edges of the final construction.

The points and lines on the drawing have been translated into stones and ropes on the site.

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Mbinudita Water Reservoir

Mbinudita Water Reservoir

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