March 4, 2025
Steel pole starts upright attached at Mbinudita

As one of the main materials that is very vital, specifically we have to come from Surabaya through container ships, to provide strength and durability to the structure of the building. Today with the hard work of day and night has begun to look upright standing the steel pole pole from the first column towards the column column of other structures.

Being rumored or the material of the sgunjingan in Sumba, that this will be the most dashing primary school that is strong and strong in east Sumba. A strong school is not our primary goal, but the basic right to receive a decent education for children is a priority.

We start from building a Mbinudita that is ready and upright.


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Mbinudita Water Reservoir

Mbinudita Water Reservoir

In Mbinudita, water is one of the energies that is often difficult to obtain. Usually residents have to walk 1.5-3 kilometers to the springs.

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