March 4, 2025
East Sumba Regents Meeting

The meeting was attended by representatives of elements from Yayasan Charis, Yayasan Kawan Baik Indonesia, Komunitas Peduli Pendidikan Sumba, as well as Prai Paha Village Officials who are in the preparation village area of Mbinu Dita, where the school is planned to be built.

In this meeting, one of them discussed the application for recommendations for the acceleration of the completion of land legality documents following the management of licensing in building, which is the legal basis and condition of guarantees for donors, ensuring that the assistance in the form of buildings later becomes properly owned by the school, and cannot be abused, by entities or individuals that do not comply with the provisions and agreements of many parties.

Mr. Regent welcomed and responded quickly to the needs of the #BangunMbinuDita committee by conducting direct communication to the head of the relevant office to ask for clarity of status, and soon will issue a letter of recommendation so that the documentation process on the land can be expedited process.

a.n Kawan Baik Indonesia Foundation
Annisa Yuniar

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