Water Connections

Womaru Public Toilets
Materials were unloaded at the public toilet location which will be worked on in Womaru Village, Tana Karang Hamlet, Mbinudita with the help of local residents.
No. Data Information
1 Village Name Mbinudita
2 Hamlet Name Womaru, Tana Karang Hamlet
3 RT 02
4 RW 04
5 PIC Robianto Ndiata is proud
6 Number of Families 6 Families
7 Number of peoples 34 peoples
8 Number of Houses 4 Houses
9 Facilities built 1 cubicle Mild Steel Public Toilet
10 Point Coordinates -9.67997, 120.01208

The material unloaded at the public toilet location which will be carried out in the village of Womaru is the transfer of materials that were previously planned to be built in the village of Kapolih. After waiting for notification of the readiness of the Kapolih villagers, the Foundation team finally received notice from a Kapolih representative who came directly to us and conveyed their inability to build a toilet in their village area. Then the Team relocated the materials from Kapolih to Womaru Village the next day.

Citizen participation is good, but road access is an obstacle. Materials are transported on foot by residents at the end of the truck-accessible road.